Count the number of repetitions of each element in the list in LISP

Write a program in Lisp to enter a number n and create a list of length n of repeated elements. Count the number of repetitions of each element in the list. Display the count value of each element in character.

( Eg (1 2 1 1 3) should give the output “element 1: three times”).

(defun Num()
(print "Enter a Number:")
(setq a(read))
(loop for i from 0 to a collect(random 3)

(defun occurence()
(setf b(Num))
(format t "Elements are : ~S ~%" b)
(setq m(count 0 b))
(format t "Element : ~R ~R times ~%" 0 m)
(setq c(count 1 b))
(format t "Element : ~R ~R times ~%" 1 c)
(setq d(count 2 b))
(format t "Element : ~R ~R times ~%" 2 d)
(setq e(count 3 b))
(format t "Element : ~R ~R times ~%" 3 d)