
Write a program in Lisp to demonstrate the crossover genetic operator.

 (Enter population of binary strings. Perform crossover based on a random crossing site value. Consider fitness value as the number of repetitions of specified bit in the string. Perform the evolution for a specified number generation).


(defun Cross(List1 List2)
(setq Cnt 0)
(setq newList1 '())
(setq newList2 '())
(setq cp (random (length List1)))
(print "CrossOver Point")
(prin1 cp)
                                (when (equal (first List1) nil)(return))
                                (if (<= cp Cnt)
                                                (block blkOne
                                                                (setq newList1 (cons (first List2) newList1))
                                                                (setq newList2 (cons (first List1) newList2))
                                                (block blkTwo
                                                                (setq newList1 (cons (first List1) newList1))
                                                                (setq newList2 (cons (first List2) newList2))
                                (incf Cnt)
                                (setq List1 (rest List1))
                                (setq List2 (rest List2))
                (setq List1 (append newList1 newList2))
(defun mainCross (listOne listTwo Gen)

(setq genCntr 0)
(setq tempList '())
                                (when(equal genCntr Gen)(return))
                    (setq posCntr 0)(setq tempList '())
                                (setq tempList (Cross listOne listTwo))
                    (setq lenTempList (length templist))
                                (setq listOne '())
                    (setq listTwo '())
                                  (when (equal (first tempList) nil)(return))
                                                (if (< posCntr (/ lenTempList 2))
                                                                (setq listOne (cons (first tempList) listOne))
                                        (setq listTwo (cons (first tempList) listTwo))
                                                (incf posCntr)
                                                (setq tempList (rest tempList))
    (incf genCntr)
    (print "Result of Crossing")   
    (print listOne)
    (print listTwo)  ))

(mainCross '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8) 3)

"CrossOver Point" 0
"Result of Crossing"
(5 6 7 8)
(1 2 3 4)
"CrossOver Point" 0
"Result of Crossing"
(1 2 3 4)
(5 6 7 8)
"CrossOver Point" 3
"Result of Crossing"
(1 2 3 8)
(5 6 7 4)